Our Models

The models who appear on our website and/or in our social media posts are independent women who are are committed to bringing positive changes to our world. They are also enthusiastic supporters of our company’s mission. Below are some of our models’ reflections and biographies (as of September, 2018) that highlight their diverse backgrounds, as well as their interests and aspirations. It was a pleasure to work with each individual and we thank them for their assistance!

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"One of the best memories of my hometown in Portland is looking out at the landscape of the buildings and towers while my parents drive across the Marquam bridge. When I look at my home, I don't only see the extraordinary buildings, I see what it represents, the freedom and possibility it beholds. That is the same skyline that my parents saw when they came to America for the first time. As a little girl, I would compare my hands with my dad’s and I remember seeing the scars and dirt from the long hours he worked in some underpaid job to provide for me. Those same hands wrapped around me as I received my high school diploma with high honors and on the day he dropped me off at the University of Oregon. What gets my parents through the hard times is knowing that their children have the opportunity to succeed in a place like America.

I believe we come to this earth to serve a purpose. It is through our passions that we exert support for those that are in need of finding their own path. The reason I decided to become an architect is because I felt there was a need for places to remind us of what could be, where we have the tools to become the best we can be and places that inspire hope where there is none. With an education in architecture, I want to provide a safe and equal environment because I believe that just because you don’t have the means to live a certain lifestyle, you shouldn’t have to be limited to less. I plan to use creativity and innovation in areas of poverty that need to see their culture reflected in their living environments and feel a sense of pride in their communities, improving their overall quality of life."



Hasti is Iranian-American who received her bachelor degrees in Physics and Computer science and has worked as a software developer. She recently received her Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Oregon and is currently dedicating her time to her newly born daughter before pursuing a career as a data analyst.



Kelsey Juliana, from Eugene, Oregon, is the named plaintiff in Juliana v. United States, a Constitutional Climate Change lawsuit filed in 2015 alongside 20 other youth against the the United States Government. This case asserts that through the government's affirmative actions that cause climate change, it has violated the youngest generation's constitutional rights to life, liberty and property, as well as failed to protect essential public trust resources. These plaintiffs are specifically seeking that the court orders the government to create and follow a "national climate recovery plan" that scraps all use of fossil fuels by 2050.



Megan is a home-grown Indiana girl who headed west for adventure. She wanted to study primates in the wild and ended up studying humans in the urban environment. Along the way she made stops at Stanford University, École des Beaux Arts in Paris, Yale University, and then New York City and San Francisco, where she worked for large architecture firms. Marriage and motherhood came later in life, as did moving to Eugene where she raised her daughter and cared for her mother. As a professor of design at the University of Oregon, she most enjoyed her interactions with students and teaching in Vicenza, Italy. Now retired, she is back to the drawing board, literally, studying art again. 



Phuong was born in Saigon, Vietnam. She came to the United States in 1975 and grew up in Portland, Oregon.  Phuong received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Oregon. She took advantage of her 20’s and traveled Asia for a few years and taught English as a second language in Taiwan with wonderful husband. After exploring a couple of careers, Phuong found nothing as rewarding as raising her two boys. Now in their teens she takes great pride in their successes, their confidence, and in the respect they show others.  Passionate about working with children, she is now working with elementary school children.



Raised in Eugene, Oregon, Samira holds a degree in Public Relations from the University of Oregon where she ran the student Advisory Board and Diversity Committee for the School of Journalism and Communications (SOJC). While still in college, she moderated a “Freedom Of Expression” roundtable between the University of Oregon President, several students, and the Dean of the SOJC. Samira is also involved with the community outreach, has acted with several theatre companies in Eugene, and sings for 'Soul Vibrator', a local funk band. Samira also enjoys bringing the community together for a cause. To celebrate the first anniversary of the Women’s March in January, 2018, she and a good friend hosted the first ever 'Rise Together Eugene’ that celebrated and benefited women’s health and safety. The event included speakers, entertainment and other forms of inspiration.



Zina was born and raised in the Henry Horner Projects on the near Westside of Chicago. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Cultural Studies with a Black World Studies minor from Columbia College Chicago; a Master's degree in Pan-African Studies from Syracuse University and a Master's degree in School Counseling from Northwest Christian University. Zina has returned to Chicago where she is focused on a career as a school counselor. Zina enjoys reading, writing, cycling, cooking, singing and dancing. Her life goal and mission is to inspire women and children.